A name only means so much. As creepy and insightful as numerology and astrology can be, someone’s name can only tell you so much. For example, take “Eric Goranson.” No, not me. This Eric Goranson. I have interacted with other “Eric Goransons” around the country (there aren’t too many of us) over the years but I do’t know this guy at all. He came up in a Google Alerts email, though, and I couldn’t resist posting about him.
The guy shoots himself in the chest with a .40 caliber handgun and gets a positive story about donating blood on the local TV station. Good for him for taking a bad situation and making some good come out of it…maybe we are more alike than I’d like to admit at this point…
I’m going to have to do some digging on other “Eric Goranson” stories. If I find any, I’ll update this post. If Dr. Goranson in Oregon reads this, I’d still love to try that wine you make sometime (I’m over 21 now). I’m also still waiting for Goranson Farms in Maine to reply to my repeated emails over the years about ordering some maple syrup. If we are related and you live anywhere in Scandinavia and have a place to stay, let me know. I’ve been looking for a reason to visit the homeland! I’ll have to make sure my S.E.O. is good on this post. Maybe they’ll find it. The internet makes the world small. 😉
I get 576,000 results for my real name in Google. I have a pretty common name. Not quite John Smith which has 20,700,000 results. 🙂
And yes, the net has made the world a bit smaller.
Shane Vander Hart is pretty unique as well. My brother Scott is one of two “Scott Vander Harts” living in the Des Moines area though. That Scott Vander Hart has a brother named Shawn so my brother and I were always getting mixed up with Shawn and Scott Vander Hart.