Sociological Observations of a Psycho Church Person I’m sitting at church. It’s break time between worship and teaching. If you are a church-goer, you know the drill. I’m going to use my church as an example but these issues aren’t unique to us – just […]
Category: Uncategorized
Effective Relationships
I have come to firmly believe that it is impossible to be a good family member, friend, partner, or colleague if your default position is to assume or believe the worst in others. If effective leadership eludes you, maybe check your heart. On the flip […]
Our Nation’s Ugly Reproductive Past
Our nation’s ugly reproductive past is almost as bad as its attitude toward reproduction in the present. The following article was printed in Iowa in the late 60s. This was the time between Margaret Sanger (PP Founder) saying “The most merciful thing that a family […]
A Name Only Means So Much
A name only means so much. As creepy and insightful as numerology and astrology can be, someone’s name can only tell you so much. For example, take “Eric Goranson.” No, not me. This Eric Goranson. I have interacted with other “Eric Goransons” around the country […]
Amusing Church Marketing
There is a real lack of amusing church marketing. This is because churches shouldn’t market – they should tell the Truth, love their neighbors, and take care of practical needs. That’s church marketing enough. But once in a while you see a church or a […]
Welcome to the newest iteration of I started this blog over at MobileMe and had this URL pointing at iWeb site. It’s the only time Steve Jobs ever really let me down. I thought the service worked fine after the initial and very painful […]
Your Tiny Loan Can Go A Long Way
Join me in supporting Kiva and its many small business owners from around the world that could use a hand-up in the form of a microloan. You can click here to join me. I’ve been making loans for a number of years now and love […]
Loving Your Enemy
I said something to a colleague a couple of weeks ago and it has been haunting me ever since. It isn’t a new concept but I’ve never articulated it the way I did this time and it has been rattling around my head ever since. […]