The Iowa House of Representatives has introduced ESA Legislation! From Iowa Advocates for Choice in Education: House File 2090, sponsored by Representatives Chris Hagenow (R-Windsor Heights), Jake Highfill (R-Johnston) and Peter Cownie (R-West Des Moines), calls for this revolutionary school choice initiative that gives every Iowa parent a grant of state […]
Tag: Iowa
My Information Workflow
My information workflow gets me up-to-speed every morning. I’ve had a number of people ask me what apps I use, what websites I check, and how I stay on top of things at work. The answer: I don’t stay on top of things like I […]
Action Alert From The Iowa Association Of Christian Schools
Action Alert From the Iowa Association of Christian Schools: March 21, 2013 – House Study Bill 225 would increase the amount of tax credits for school tuition organizations to $12 million (currently at $8.75 million). The credits are made available for those who donate to […]
Why Christian Radio?
Radio is a powerful medium for communication. In the U.S. alone there are over 550 million radios in use including more than 170 million in vehicles as standard equipment. That amounts to almost six radios per household! Additionally, a huge percentage of Americans have access […]
Senator Rozenboom’s Senate Speech This Week
Senator Rozenboom delivered a great speech on the floor of the Senate this week about their adopted son, life, adoption, policy priorities, and hope! You can click here to see the whole thing! This is how the pro-life message is to be spread. Compassionately and […]
A Tiny Retrospective
The last time I posted was on November 25 so here is a tiny retrospective on my month and my year. Crazy how time flies. Here’s the scoop: I spent the 27th and 28th in Rochester, MN accompanying my grandfather to Mayo Clinic to have […]
Stop The Common Core Standards
The Common Core Standards are dangerous. Jane Robbins of the American Principles Project is featured in this awesome video series called “Stop The Common Core.” Embedded below is the first of five videos on the subject. You owe it to yourself, your kids, and your […]
How Then Should We Advocate?
The 2012 Election is behind us. Now the question remains: whether as an active citizen or a professional activist, how then should we advocate for the things we care about after any election result? I’ve written about much of this before but wanted to get some additional […]
Some Post-Election Thoughts
Since I work in politics and public policy, I’ve had some people ask me for some post-election thoughts. Regarding the Federal election results: I feel the same way I did a month ago. We’re screwed, at least in the short term. Neither party will be […]
SBA List Bus Tour Stops in Iowa
I attended the Susan B. Anthony List’s bus tour yesterday on the West Terrace of the Iowa State Capitol. The name of the bus tour is “Women Speak Out: Abortion is Not Healthcare” and the Iowa stops were sponsored by SBA List, Iowa Right to Life, […]