Senator Rozenboom delivered a great speech on the floor of the Senate this week about their adopted son, life, adoption, policy priorities, and hope! You can click here to see the whole thing! This is how the pro-life message is to be spread. Compassionately and […]
Tag: Life
A Tiny Retrospective
The last time I posted was on November 25 so here is a tiny retrospective on my month and my year. Crazy how time flies. Here’s the scoop: I spent the 27th and 28th in Rochester, MN accompanying my grandfather to Mayo Clinic to have […]
The Salvation Army On Abortion *Updated*
The Salvation Army’s position on abortion is horribly weak. They begin by stating that life begins at “fertilization,” it is a “gift from God,” and that “All people – without exception – are of value to him…” They finish their statement with a great statement […]
Haters Gonna Hate
My son informed me that a child at school hears stories at home from their parent(s) about how I’m a compromiser, I’m weak, and that I’m not good at my job. This child, according to Kyle, doesn’t quite know what to think about all that. […]
The Big Election Day Decision
The big election day decision everyone has to make is whether to vote for Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or write-in or vote for a candidate with zero chance of winning. Although I sympathaze with Evangelicals who do not want to support Mitt Romney, I […]
Welcome to the newest iteration of I started this blog over at MobileMe and had this URL pointing at iWeb site. It’s the only time Steve Jobs ever really let me down. I thought the service worked fine after the initial and very painful […]
The Path Of The Fatherless
(This post has been adapted from a former iteration of this website and various other websites that reposted it in March of 2010. Posted here in October of 2012 and edited June 27, 2013) I grew up fatherless. I saw my dad a few times […]
The Great Anger
The following post has been adapted from its original posting on a previous iteration of this website, a Facebook note, and other places it was reposted. I’m reposting it to both keep my thoughts for posterity and in the hopes that it may be encouraging to […]
Those Beautifully Horrible Moments in Life
I’ve had, like most everyone, less than ideal moments that elicit gratefulness later in life. I call them “those beautifully horrible moments in life.” I faced childhood challenges largely alone, moved out of my mother’s home when I was 14, moved away from friends time […]
SBA List Bus Tour Stops in Iowa
I attended the Susan B. Anthony List’s bus tour yesterday on the West Terrace of the Iowa State Capitol. The name of the bus tour is “Women Speak Out: Abortion is Not Healthcare” and the Iowa stops were sponsored by SBA List, Iowa Right to Life, […]