My wife and I have experienced loss and grief and have watched a number of others work through various types of grief. Whether losing a job, a child, suffering through an accident; life is full of times of loss, pain, grief, and uncertainty. Although a deep subject […]
Tag: faith
The Little Moments That Shape A Life
I had a dream last night that encapsulated a few little moments that shaped my life. Awkward, embarrassing moments and disconcerting ones. Here are a few examples of some true stories from my past: A Moment of Extreme Hypocrisy After becoming a believer during my […]
Confounded By Those Who Write Others Off
I am confounded by those who write others off. I don’t think I’ve ever done it in my life. Disagreements, awkwardness, relational struggles, and/or distance? Sure. But to simply write someone off? Weird. To those who have written me off: it won’t be reciprocated. I’m […]
An Interesting Post On Thomas Merton
I’d never heard of Thomas Merton before my wife sent me a link to an interesting post on him: 7 Reasons Why Evangelicals Should Read Thomas Merton There are parts of of the article I love. One line, however, I found disconcerting: A sola scriptura ecclesiology easily […]
The Antidote to Anemic Worship
The antidote to anemic worship, if bottled, could also be the elixir for a suffering generation. My friend Shane Vander Hart posted the following article on Facebook and I appreciated the overall message in the post. You can click the following link. It’s a quick […]
A Look Back At Personal Posts
A look back at personal posts can be a healthy way to see where you’ve been and where you are. I sometimes get a little insight in to where I’m going which can, at times, be both encouraging and scary. I was telling someone earlier […]
Why Christian Radio?
Radio is a powerful medium for communication. In the U.S. alone there are over 550 million radios in use including more than 170 million in vehicles as standard equipment. That amounts to almost six radios per household! Additionally, a huge percentage of Americans have access […]
The Salvation Army On Abortion *Updated*
The Salvation Army’s position on abortion is horribly weak. They begin by stating that life begins at “fertilization,” it is a “gift from God,” and that “All people – without exception – are of value to him…” They finish their statement with a great statement […]
How Then Should We Advocate?
The 2012 Election is behind us. Now the question remains: whether as an active citizen or a professional activist, how then should we advocate for the things we care about after any election result? I’ve written about much of this before but wanted to get some additional […]
The Big Election Day Decision
The big election day decision everyone has to make is whether to vote for Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or write-in or vote for a candidate with zero chance of winning. Although I sympathaze with Evangelicals who do not want to support Mitt Romney, I […]