A look back at personal posts can be a healthy way to see where you’ve been and where you are. I sometimes get a little insight in to where I’m going which can, at times, be both encouraging and scary.
I was telling someone earlier this week about me and my story and this person asked if I had ever written any of this stuff down. Some. A little. Here are some links to posts I’ve written before that sum up my little life:
About Me – Who the heck am I?
The Path of The Fatherless – a little about my childhood.
The Great Anger – the most defining time in my life.
Loving Your Enemy – Something I’m working on. Enemies aren’t the hardest to love…”frenemies” are.
Christians In Politics – an old post outlining my thoughts on people of faith in the public policy arena.
There are others on this blog and elsewhere on the interwebs. I hope my experiences in my relatively young life resonate with you in some way. I don’t post as much as I used to but I am an open book. You can drop me a line on my “About Me” page any time or leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!
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