Links to great websites on a traditional “links” page like this is almost cliche or passé, huh?   Maybe.  But the websites below are my friend’s blogs and/or businesses that impress and inspire me.  I have amazing friends and acquaintances.  You should check them out.

Links To Great Websites:
Caffeinated Thoughts (Iowa’s Best Political & Theological Blogs All In One Place)
Just Making Noise (My Cousin’s Blog)
Thompson Design (Need A Website?  Call Wade!)
A City Shining (A friend’s blog.  Her blog and her Flickr page will make you smile.)
A Diabetic Sailor’s Logbook (A good friend of mine who inspires)
SageMaven (Need A Website?  Call John!)
Oceanwide Studios (Need Video Work Done?  Best Videographers In Iowa)
A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa (DSM’s Best Foodie)

Worthy Causes:
Iowa Association of Christian Schools
Iowa Right to Life
Iowa Advocates for Choice in Education
Iowa Alliance for Choice in Education
Ruth Harbor

Other Sites Of Interest:
Fox Creek Community (I church with the Church here)
Pulse 99.5 (My wife works here…she’s rad)

My Sites:
Goranson Consulting (get all up in my business here)
My LinkedIn Profile (Hire me.  I’m a quick study and people usually like me!)
Afield In Iowa (My Other Blog)

If we are on a hugging basis and your super-cool website isn’t included, please drop me an email or give me a jingle and I’ll include it.  What?  You don’t have my email address or phone number?  Then we aren’t on a hugging basis and I won’t put your link here.  There is at least one exception on this page and it isn’t you.  😉  Sorry.  I live in the Midwest so you’ll notice that half my huggable friends are from other parts of the country.  Midwesterners aren’t as touchy…and that’s not a compliment…

I’ve also noticed that my female-friends are so much more interesting when it comes to blogs and personal websites.  Dudes’re just not that interesting.