The Iowa Legislative website is improving quite a bit lately. When I started working at the Capitol the website was horrible (you can still click the link to the old website). Since then, the redesign and added content is much more user friendly. I get […]
Christians In Politics
The following article was originally posted on Caffeinated Thoughts. I have only edited grammatical errors: Few would dispute that power corrupts. The kind of power wielded by elected and appointed officials, activists, special interests, and bureaucrats often results in a special kind of corruption called […]
A Day In The Life…
What a day. I started the day at the Capitol watching the Occupy Iowa, CCI, and Labor Unions obnoxiously protest during before and after the Governor’s Condition of the State Address. It’s one thing to show up, have a rally in the rotunda, and be […]
January Antlerless Season in Iowa
I’m going to miss January Antlerless season in Iowa this year for the first time since it was instituted. I’ll miss crunching on the snow (Maybe! What a warm year!) and freezing my tail off hoping to get one more chance at filling the freezer […]
How Do You Respect Authority In A Constitutional Republic?
1 Samuel 12:14 is an interesting verse: “If you fear the Lord and serve Him and obey His voice, and do not rebel against the commandment of the Lord, then both you and the king who reigns over you will continue following the Lord your […]
My Thoughts On The 2012 Iowa Caucus
Every four years Iowa becomes the center of the political universe for a short time as Iowans, along with the citizens of New Hampshire and South Carolina, get to vet the candidates for President in a way the rest of the nation doesn’t. We get […]