I’ve come to the conclusion that one should never debate another unless there is a sincere care/love for the other person. Debating almost never changes hearts or minds. But a civil, factual debate with sincere love and care for the other creates mutual respect and […]
Author: EricAlan
Tuesday Funny – Climate Change Cult
A friend just forwarded an email to me with this graphic. Regardless of how you feel about Climate Change, whether it’s happening, or what is responsible; this is funny:
Time Is Strange
Time is strange. I just realized recently that I’m the age my parents were when I graduated from high school. I have a nine and 11 year old. In less than five years I’ll have been married as long as I was single. I’ve lived […]
Iowa House Introduces ESA Legislation
The Iowa House of Representatives has introduced ESA Legislation! From Iowa Advocates for Choice in Education: House File 2090, sponsored by Representatives Chris Hagenow (R-Windsor Heights), Jake Highfill (R-Johnston) and Peter Cownie (R-West Des Moines), calls for this revolutionary school choice initiative that gives every Iowa parent a grant of state […]
Our Nation’s Ugly Reproductive Past
Our nation’s ugly reproductive past is almost as bad as its attitude toward reproduction in the present. The following article was printed in Iowa in the late 60s. This was the time between Margaret Sanger (PP Founder) saying “The most merciful thing that a family […]
The Antidote to Anemic Worship
The antidote to anemic worship, if bottled, could also be the elixir for a suffering generation. My friend Shane Vander Hart posted the following article on Facebook and I appreciated the overall message in the post. You can click the following link. It’s a quick […]
A Look Back At Personal Posts
A look back at personal posts can be a healthy way to see where you’ve been and where you are. I sometimes get a little insight in to where I’m going which can, at times, be both encouraging and scary. I was telling someone earlier […]
Happy Summer!
Happy Summer! It’s been interesting this year for me. Usually, I have a rather protracted break right after the legislative session that gives me time to chillax. Not this year. Here is a summary of my session: You can click on the Iowa Association of […]
My Information Workflow
My information workflow gets me up-to-speed every morning. I’ve had a number of people ask me what apps I use, what websites I check, and how I stay on top of things at work. The answer: I don’t stay on top of things like I […]
Action Alert From The Iowa Association Of Christian Schools
Action Alert From the Iowa Association of Christian Schools: March 21, 2013 – House Study Bill 225 would increase the amount of tax credits for school tuition organizations to $12 million (currently at $8.75 million). The credits are made available for those who donate to […]